The Signs Of Spiritual Immaturity DVD
Many of us are spiritually immature but we are unaware of this because we are use to living a certain way in the world. But
Bishop E. T. Sumlin has come to inform us that we need to be spiritually mature for us to truly obtain what God has for us
in his will. You need to order this message to become spiritually mature and receive the promises of the Lord! Price:$12.00
+ Shipping and Handling
The people of God are fighting a battle that God never intended to be fought : putting the "Old Man" (the old carnel
nature of Man) to death, permanently! This book has been written for the purpose of encouraging you, the believer, to a life
of godliness in this present world. Price : $15.00 + S&H
Repentance and Forgiveness of Sin DVD
God has his arms open wide, ready and waiting for us to accept Him as our Lord and savior. All you have to do is repent for
all your sins and accept him as your savior. In this message you will hear about the repentance and forgiveness of your sins
and how important it is in your walk with Christ. Price: $12.00 + Shipping & Handling
The Upper Room Deliverance Ministries Rhema Center, Intl.
Pastor/ Founder Bishop E.T. Sumlin, Sr., D.D ThD
1200 E. Hudson Street Columbus, Ohio 43211
(614) 360-4800
"The church in the heart of the city with the city in its heart."
© 2010 E. T. Sumlin Ministries. All Rights Reserved.