Greetings, my dear brothers and sisters, in the name of the Lord Jesus
God has given me a vision to take the gospel to the world through television, through radio, through the internet,
through outreach programs, through feeding the hungry and clothing the naked; but vision takes provision. We need your help
to make this vision of impacting lives and changing the world a reality. The Bible says whatsoever a man soweth, that shall
he reap, some thirty, some sixty and some one-hundred fold. You can help this ministry change lives. Every time we feed someone,
clothe someone, and get souls saved, you will be a part of what is going on through your donations. We have two ways of accomplishing
this. You may donate by writing a check or by money order. Please make your checks payable to The Upper Room Deliverance Ministries
Rhema Center and send it to 1200 E. Hudson Street, Columbus, OH 43211. You may also make an electronic donation with your
debit or credit card safely and securely by clicking on the button below.
Thanks in advance for making dreams come true!
Your Servant in Christ,
Bishop E.T. Sumlin