E.T. Sumlin Ministries


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Church Vision
The God-given vision of The Upper Room Deliverance Ministries Rhema Center, International is: to have the five-fold ministry in operation; to allow all those who have been despised and rejected to come together in order to help every man and woman reach their full potential; to enable them to know who they are and their God given purpose; to aid them in dealing with life's problems and disappointments; and to help everyone use their time wisely. We have a directive from God to establish churches and impact lives worldwide.
Mission Statement
We endeavor to impact the totality of man; Spiritually, by preaching, teaching, training, edifying, exhorting, and comforting; Physically, by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the hospitals, and going into the prisons,And intellectually, through Bible classes and weekly Bible teachings.

The Upper Room Deliverance Ministries Rhema Center, Intl.

Pastor/ Founder Bishop E.T. Sumlin, Sr., D.D ThD

1200 E. Hudson Street Columbus, Ohio 43211

(614) 360-4800

"The church in the heart of the city with the city in its heart."

© 2010 E. T. Sumlin Ministries. All Rights Reserved.